Game Rules
- All players must present their valid U of S student card to participate in any Campus Rec sports league.
- Substitutes are allowed during the regular season and must have their valid U of S student card present.
- There is a maximum of two staff/faculty allowed per team and they must pay a $75 recreation fee in order to play.
- In order to be eligible to play in playoffs, players must have been present for at least 50% of games for the team they are registered on.
- Treat all opponents and recreation staff with respect.
- Current U of S Huskie Football players (roster or red-shirt) are not eligible to play in Campus Recreation football leagues. Any team who uses one of these players will default any/all games that this player played.
- Only players that are listed on the game sheet may participate in the game action. This includes participation in huddles, sideline coaching and interaction with officials.
- Fair play scores will be recorded by the official. You are not to ask the official what the opposing team gave you for a score.
- Designated home teams wear light colours and away teams wear dark colours.
- Each team must have 7 players on the field to start the game (minimum 2 of each gender at all times). A game is defaulted if a team does not have 7 players, 10 minutes after the scheduled start time.
- Home team starts on Offence; away team starts on Defense
- Offence starts with the ball on the 35 yard line (Griffiths Stadium) or at the centre line (Fields 2/3/4)
- The Offence then has 7 plays to score – no first downs are awarded
- A turnover (i.e. interception) results in the offence moving back to the 35 yard line (or half), where they will have the remainder of their 7 downs to try and score again.
- NOTE: after a turnover, there is NOT a change in possession; the ball is just reset at the 35 yard line or centre line. The offence's downs do not reset either, they simply have the remainder of their 7 downs to try and score
- An interception can be run back to the 35 yard line or half for 3 points.
- A touchdown is worth 6 points; following a touch down a convert is attempted (THE CONVERT DOES NOT COUNT AS AN OFFENSIVE PLAY)
- A convert is worth 1 point if successfully attempted from the 5 yard line. A convert is worth 2 points if successfully attempted from the 10 yard line.
- A touchdown DOES NOT result in a change in possession – the offense then resets at the 35 yard line or centre line with the remainder of their 7 plays to try and score again (similar to a turnover)
- Two games will be played on a field simultaneously, so each game will go from the 35 yard line or centre line in towards the end zone
- All players are eligible receivers
- Games will be 2 25 minute halves – however each team MUST get the same number of offensive possessions
- Each team is allowed 1 30-second time out per half
- Offensive receivers can line up anywhere along the line of scrimmage
- Offensive players, except the center, can be in motion at any time
- The center must straddle the beanbag (placed on the line of scrimmage) and snap the ball through their legs to the quarterback
- The quarterback can receive the ball while in motion, and must be 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage. Any player can receive the snap, but the first player to touch it is considered the quarterback
- Defensive players must be 1 yard off the line of scrimmage
- The player covering the center must line up at least 3 yards off the line of scrimmage to give the center room to get out of the primary rusher’s way
- The primary rusher must be 5 yards off the line of scrimmage, and from 1-5 yards sideways from the point of the football (beanbag).
- The primary rusher must signal to the referee and the opposing team who they are (raise arm) before the center gets over the ball. Once the center is over the ball, the primary rusher cannot move positions until the ball is snapped
- If the primary rusher moves to rush before the ball is snapped, they may turn around and move behind the rusher line and then rush. If they don’t go back, they are offside. The rusher may also want to move back, and will not be offside as long as they do not pass the line of scrimmage
- The center must give the primary rusher a direct line to the quarterback. If they do not, the center is penalized with rusher obstruction. A penalty can occur even if the center remains still after snapping the ball. NO QUESTIONS ASKED
- Other rushers are allowed to line up anywhere, no less than one yard off the line of scrimmage. They may rush the quarterback as long as the primary rusher is the first to cross the line of scrimmage.
- Only the primary rusher has the right to a direct line to the quarterback
- The defensive team is responsible for retrieving the ball and returning it to their huddle after every play
- If the quarterback passes the line of scrimmage, and then passes the ball, the ball is dead where the quarterback released the ball
- If there are 2 forward passes, the ball is considered dead where the second forward pass was released
- When a receiver touches the ball, is then touched by an opponent, then catches the ball (known as a bobbled ball), the ball is marked where initial contact by the defensive player was made, not where the receiver gains control
- When an offensive player deliberately tips a pass to advance it further downfield, the ball is marked (if caught) were initial contact by the offensive team occurred
- Teams may use their own legal size (CFL or NFL) football
- It is illegal to dive to advance the ball or extend ones arms to gain yardage (known as extension). This results in a 5 yard penalty from the spot of the foul.
- If during a play, a person carrying the ball falls down, dives, or falls to their knees to catch a pass, they may stand up and continue running until they are touched by an opposing player
- Jewelry such as watches, necklaces, and ear rings must be removed. If they cannot be removed, they must be taped up. Exceptions to the rule would include medical bracelets which must also be taped up
- Goalposts may not be touched to gain an unfair advantage. Offending team will be assessed a 5 yard penalty
- Only applies to playoff games
- Overtime possessions are only 5 plays long
- Home team starts with the ball on Offence
- Each team is given the same number of offensive possessions
- Overtime continues until one team scores more points than the other after each team is given equal possessions
Ball Live
- The ball remains live if the quarterback does not catch the ball from the snap or it goes over their head
- The ball remains live off the snap if it bounces along the ground, as long as it travels a minimum of 5 yards
- The defensive team cannot recover a bad snap, but they can “down” the ball if they touch it or the quarterback before the offensive team recovers it
Ball Dead
- When a ball carrier is touched with one hand by an opponent
- When a fumbled ball, offside pass, or onside kick touches the ground
- When a loose ball is kicked (dribbled ball)
- When, on a bad snap, the quarterback or ball is touched by an opponent
- Anytime the ball contacts a goal post
- When a player goes to their knees voluntarily
- If the ball is intercepted on a convert attempt
- A dribbled (kicked) ball is dead where it is kicked
Time Count Violation
- Twenty seconds is given to the offensive team from the time a play is blown in, until the ball must be snapped
- Teams may not begin a play until the official has whistled it in. If they do, an illegal procedure penalty is assessed
- If any contact causes a ball to be dropped, pass interference has occurred, except when mutual contact for a catchable ball is made
- No player may interfere with an opponent AT ANY TIME
- A clear and direct path must be given to the opponent at all times (ie: no blocking)
- All balls are deemed catchable
- All pass interference penalties are assessed 10 yards
Unnecessary Roughness
- Contacting the passer at any time is illegal. Contact is ruled unnecessary unless considered unavoidable or “incidental” contact
- Rough touches are illegal. The ball is dead at the point of the touch, and a penalty is assessed
Distance | Infraction |
5 yards | Time count violation |
Illegal procedure | |
Offside | |
10 yards | Delay of game |
No yards/restraining zone | |
Obstruction (blocking) | |
Pass interference | |
15 yards | Personal foul |
25 yards | Major foul |
** If penalties of 5 or 10 yards occur within their respective distances to the goal line, the penalty will be placement of half the distance to the goal line. If a 15 or 25 yard penalty is assessed within these distances respectively, the ball will be moved to the one yard line. A possession CANNOT end on a defensive penalty – if the defense is assessed a penalty on the last play of a possession, it results in the yards owed to the offense AND a replay of the final down

- The 2003 Canadian Rule Book for Touch Football. A copy of the rule book is available for viewing in the Campus Rec office, PAC 222. Any rule which has been changed to suit the U of S Campus Rec game is denoted by an asterisk (*).
- All players must present their valid U of S student card to participate in any Campus Rec sports league.
- Substitutes are allowed during the regular season and must have their valid U of S student card present.
- There is a maximum of two staff/faculty allowed per team and they must pay a $75 recreation fee in order to play.
- In order to be eligible to play in playoffs, players must have been present for at least 50% of games for the team they are registered on.
- Treat all opponents and recreation staff with respect.
- Current U of S Huskie Football players (roster or red-shirt) are not eligible to play in Campus Recreation football leagues. Any team who uses one of these players will default any/all games that this player played.
- Only players that are listed on the game sheet may participate in the game action. This includes participation in huddles, sideline coaching and interaction with officials.
- Fair play scores will be recorded by the official. You are not to ask the official what the opposing team gave you for a score.
- Designated home teams wear light colours and away teams wear dark colours.
- Each team must have 7 players on the field to start the game. A game is defaulted if a team does not have 7 players, 10 minutes after the scheduled start time.
- All players are eligible receivers.
Playing Time
- The game shall consist of two 25 minute halves, with a 5 minute optional half-time. *
- The last 3 minutes of play will be replaced by 5 plays from scrimmage. (Penalties and kickoffs are not considered plays in most cases).
- Each team is allowed one 30 second time out per half. *
- In addition, injury and official time outs are permissible.
Ball Live
- The ball remains live if the quarterback does not catch the ball from the snap or it goes over their head.
- The ball remains live off the snap if it bounces along the ground, as long as it travels a minimum of 5 yards.
- The defensive team cannot recover a bad snap, but they can “down” the ball if they touch it or the quarterback before the offensive team recovers it.
Ball Dead
- When a ball carrier is touched with one hand by an opponent.
- When a fumbled ball, offside pass, onside pass, or a blocked kick touches the ground.
- When a punted ball lies motionless, and no attempt is made to play the ball for 3 seconds.
- When a loose ball is kicked (dribbled ball).
- When, on a bad snap, the quarterback or ball is touched by an opponent.
- Anytime the ball contacts a goal post.
- When a player goes to their knees voluntarily and signals the referee.
- If the ball is intercepted on a convert attempt.
Point Ball Dead
- Placement of the ball following a fumble should be where the ball contacts the ground.
- A dribbled ball (a live ball which is kicked) is dead at the point it was kicked.
- Kickoffs will occur from the kicking team’s 45 yard line (if on field # 2, the 35 yard line)
- The receiving team must be 20 yards from the line of the kickoff. The kicking team cannot recover a kickoff except by intercepting a lateral pass. Penalties on kickoffs are penalized only 5 yards.
- The kicking team can down the ball after a kick, but do not gain possession.
- Any player may punt the ball at any time during live play.
- When catching a punt, the player is afforded a 5 yard restraining zone. Infringing on that zone results in a 10 yard penalty from the point of the foul. *
- Offensive team is allowed 3 downs to advance to the first-down line
- Offensive receivers can line up anywhere along the line of scrimmage.
- Offensive players, except the center, can be in motion at any time.
- The center must straddle the beanbag and snap the ball through their legs to the quarterback.
- The quarterback can receive the ball while in motion, and must be 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage. Any player can receive the snap, but the first player to touch it is considered the quarterback.
- Defensive players must be 1 yard off the line of scrimmage.
- The player covering the center must line up at least 3 yards off the line of scrimmage to give the center room to get out of the primary rusher’s way.
- The primary rusher must be 5 yards off the line of scrimmage, and from 1-5 yards sideways from the point of the football (beanbag).
- The primary rusher must signal to the referee and the opposing team who they are (raise arm) before the center gets over the ball. Once the center is over the ball, the primary rusher cannot move positions until the ball is snapped.
- If the primary rusher moves to rush before the ball is snapped, they may turn around and move behind the rusher line and then rush. If they don’t go back, they are offside. The rusher may also want to move back, and will not be offside as long as they do not pass the line of scrimmage.
- The center must give the primary rusher a direct line to the quarterback. If they do not, the center is penalized with rusher obstruction. A penalty can occur even if the center remains still after snapping the ball. NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
- Other rushers are allowed to line up anywhere, no less than one yard off the line of scrimmage. They may rush the quarterback as long as the primary rusher is the first to cross the line of scrimmage.
- Only the primary rusher has the right to a direct line to the quarterback.
- The defensive team is responsible for retrieving the ball and returning it to their huddle after every play.
- Interceptions in the end zone result in no point surrendered. The team is given the ball on the 20 yard line.
- A single point may be gained if, during a kickoff, the kicking team kicks the ball through the back of the end zone, or traps the receiving team in the end zone. One point is given to the kicking team, and the receiving team takes possession on the 35 yard line.
- See #14, same for a punt. NOTE: The ball does not have to land in the end zone and roll through the back. If the ball goes out of the end zone on either the end line or sideline, a point is given to the kicking team (ie: once the ball enters the end zone, the receiving team must find a way to get it out of the end zone or a single point is awarded to the kicking team).
- If the quarterback passes the line of scrimmage, and then passes the ball, the ball is dead where the quarterback released the ball.
- If there are 2 forward passes, the ball is considered dead where the second forward pass was released.
- No interceptions can occur in either case #1 or #2.
- When a receiver touches the ball, is then touched by an opponent, then catches the ball (known as a bobbled ball), the ball is marked where initial contact by the defensive player was made, not where the receiver gains control.
- When an offensive player deliberately tips a pass to advance it further downfield, the ball is marked (if caught) were initial contact by the offensive team occurred.
- When a penalty affects the normal point of scrimmage for a convert attempt, the awarding of 1 or 2 points is based upon the original line of scrimmage.
6 = Touchdown
2 = Safety Touch
2 = Convert (scrimmaged from 10 yard line)
1 = Convert (scrimmaged from 5 yard line)
1 = Rouge
Time Count Violation
- Twenty seconds is given to the offensive team from the time a play is blown in, until the ball must be snapped.
- Teams may not begin a play until the official has whistled it in. If they do, an illegal procedure penalty is assessed.
- If any contact causes a ball to be dropped, pass interference has occurred, except when mutual contact for a catchable ball is made.
- No player may interfere with an opponent AT ANY TIME.
- A clear and direct path must be given to the opponent at all times (ie: no blocking).
- All balls are deemed catchable.
- All pass interference penalties are assessed 10 yards, with an automatic first down. *
Unnecessary Roughness
- Contacting the passer or punter at any time is illegal. Contact is ruled unnecessary unless considered unavoidable or “incidental” contact.
- Rough touches are illegal. The ball is dead at the point of the touch, and a penalty is assessed.
Distance | Infraction |
5 yards | Time count violation |
Illegal procedure | |
Offside | |
10 yards | Delay of game |
No yards/restraining zone | |
Obstruction (blocking) | |
Pass interference | |
15 yards | Personal foul |
25 yards | Major foul |
** If penalties of 5 or 10 yards occur within their respective distances to the goal line, the penalty will be placement of half the distance to the goal line. If a 15 or 25 yard penalty is assessed within these distances respectively, the ball will be moved to the one yard line.
Other Pertinent Rules
- Teams may use their own legal size (CFL or NFL) football.
- It is illegal to dive to advance the ball or extend ones arms to gain yardage (known as extension). This results in a 5 yard penalty from the spot of the foul.
- If during a play, a person carrying the ball falls down, dives, or falls to their knees to catch a pass, they may stand up and continue running until they are touched by an opposing player.
- Jewellery such as watches, necklaces, and ear rings must be removed. If they cannot be removed, they must be taped up. Exceptions to the rule would include medical bracelets which must also be taped up.
- Goalposts may not be touched to gain an unfair advantage. Offending team will be assessed a 5 yard penalty.
- Only applicable for playoff games.
- Overtime begins with a coin toss with the higher seed getting to call the toss. The team winning the toss can choose to go on offence, defense, or which end of the field overtime will take place.
- Each team attempts 3 converts (from 10 yards = 2 points, 5 yards = 1 point), alternating offence and defense. The team scoring the most points is declared the winner.
League Rules
Make sure you aware of the Intramural League rules including defaults, cancellations, forfeits, FAIRPLAY (conduct) and suspensions.