We are excited to have you continue engaging with us virtually, this page will provide everything you need to know about our virtual programming.

Virtual Fitness

Videos are available free of charge to everyone!

Click which workout you are interested in and you will find a full-workout and videos:

Video #1 

Flexibility is the ability to move the joints through their full ROM and depends on joint structure, length and elasticity of connective tissue, as well as nervous system activity. Increasing your flexibility has many benefits including increased range of motion, preventing muscle strains, increase strength and quality of movement, and lessen joint pain.  

Health Canada recommends doing stretching exercises 2-3 days a week as a minimum but ideally 4-7. Stretch till discomfort, not pain, and hold for 15-30 seconds, and complete 2-4 repetitions for each stretch.

Dynamic stretching involves functional movements but not rapid bouncing. When doing this type of stretching, move the joints through the range of motion used in a specific exercise or sport in an exaggerated but slow and controlled way. These stretches lengthen the muscles and train the neuromuscular system and the mobility gained translates well into activities and movements used in everyday life.   


Dynamic warm-up (approximately 30 seconds per exercise) 

  • Arm circles (forward and back) 
  • Hip circles  
  • March or skip with arm circles: switch direction of arms when switch direction  
  • Walking high kicks  
  • Butt kicks (fast or slow)  
  • Brush the grass stretch
  • Side shuffles
  • Jumping jacks  
  • Forward lunge with upward reach to lengthen back  
  • Karaoke step   


Video #2 

Stretches can be done either actively or passively.  Passive stretching uses an outside force or resistance provided that helps move your joints through their range of motion. For example, pulling your arm across your body and using your other arm to pull it farther is a passive stretch.  Passive stretching can achieve a bigger range of motion when compared to active stretching.  

In active stretching, a muscle is stretched by the contraction of the opposing muscle. AN example of an active stretch would be lifting your leg up and keeping it in the extended position and only using your leg muscles to keep your leg up.  Active stretching doesn’t provide as deep of stretch as passive, but it will help strengthen the agonist muscles.  

Static-stretch cool down (hold each stretch 30 seconds, repeat each stretch 2-3x)  

In static stretching, each muscle is gradually stretched and held for 15-30 seconds. Using a slow stretch provides less of a reaction from the proprioceptors, which means your muscles can stretch farther than usual. Static stretching is regarded as safe and effective, but only stretch till a pull is felt, not pain.  

  • Neck stretch (gently pull on head to shoulder)  
  • Shoulder stretch (reach arm across chest and pull)  
  • Tricep stretch (cross arm behind back and gently pull on elbow)  
  • Quadricep standing stretch  
  • Calf stretch against wall  
  • Chest stretch into hamstring stretch (grab arms behind back and lean over)  
  • Standing hamstring stretch  
  • into Achilles stretch by crouching down, use hands for balance and press into balls of feet, and rise/press back into hamstring stretch)  
  • Lying knee to chest lower-back stretch  
  • Into crossing knee over to stretch glute Medius 
  • Cat-cow yoga pose
  • Cobra stretch  
  • Child’s pose  

Try to stretch utilizing the 5-2-7 breathing pattern (inhale for 5 seconds, hold for 2, exhale for 7)  

  • Mindful breathing can help re-centre your mind and body, improve mental function and relax/recharge   

Video #1  

The frequency and intensity of weight training depends on your goals but generally, doing weight training 2-3 times a week on non-consecutive days is recommended. The ideal intensity is when the weight is heavy enough to cause fatigue and the repetitions are performed with good form for the selected number of reps.   

Working against a resistance will make your muscles stronger and this can be provided by free weights, your own body weight, or exercise machines. Weight machines are safe, convenient, and easy to use and make it easy to isolate and work specific muscles.  Free weights, such as barbells and dumbbells, need more care, balance and coordination to use but strengthen your muscles in a more functional way.  Using other things like resistance bands, medicine balls, or things around the home such as soup cans can also be used to provide resistance. Generally, 8-12 reps for 2-3 sets with a 1-2-minute rest between sets, doing 8-10 various exercises for the major muscle groups is suggested.  

Upper body (10 reps x 3 sets for each exercise, rest 1-2 minutes between exercises)  

  • Can incorporate bands, dumbbells and house hold items when videoing  
  • Chest press  
  • Single arm bent over row  
  • Shoulder presses  
  • Upright rows  
  • Bicep curls  
  • Tricep kickback or dips  
  • Forward to side raise  
  • Reverse fly 


 Video #2  

There are 3 types of muscle contractions – concentric, which is shortening of the muscle under tension, such as the upward phase of a bicep curl, eccentric, which is the lengthening of the muscle under tension, such as the lowering phase of a bicep curl, and isometric, which is when the muscle length remains constant, such as holding the weight in one position in a bicep curl. The eccentric contraction is the strongest type, and as much as 20% more force can be produced when compared to a concentric action.   

Another variable that can be manipulated to maximize your workout is time under tension (TUT).  Utilizing time under tension techniques may reduce the weight you can normally lift but can help promote muscle gain.  Generally, you want to be under tension in your set for 40-60 seconds, so if you’re performing 8 reps, each one should take around 6 seconds.  You want to think about having a slow lowering phase and a fast lifting phase (4-1-1-0). 

Lower body (10 reps x 3 sets for each exercise, rest 1-2 minutes between exercises)  

  • Back squats  
  • Hamstring slides  
  • Curtsey lunges  
  • Romanian deadlift  
  • Goblet squat 
  • Lying side leg raises  
  • Glute kick backs  
  • Calf raises  

Core muscles 

The core muscles include those in the abdomen, pelvic floor, side of the trunk, back, buttocks, hip, and pelvis. The core muscles stabilize the spine and help transfer force between the upper body and lower body. Strong core muscles make movements more forceful and help prevent back pain as well.  

Many traditional exercises with free weights can strengthen the core muscles if you do them in a standing position as these help train the body for real-world movements, an essential principle of core training. The main core muscles on the front of your body are the transverse abdominis (the ones that wrap around your body), the external obliques (the side muscles, think about reaching into a hoodie pocket) and your rectus abdominis muscle (6-pack muscle).  

  • Level 1: 2 sets, Level 2: 3 sets, Level 3: 4 sets (rest up to 2 minutes between sets)  


  • Crunches: 15 - Plank hip dips: 10  
  • Flutter kicks: 10 - Side bend: 5/side  
  • Bicycle crunches: 20 - Bird-dogs: 5/side  
  • Leg raises: 10 - right side plank: 30 seconds  
  • V-sits: 5 - left side plank: 30 seconds  
  • Russian twists: 20 - elbow plank: 30 seconds  


  • Plank hip dips: 10
  • Flutter kicks: 10 - Side bend: 5/side 
  • Bicycle crunches: 20 - Bird-dogs: 5/side 
  • Leg raises: 10 - right side plank: 30 seconds 
  • V-sits: 5 - left side plank: 30 seconds 
  • Russian twists: 20 - elbow plank: 30 seconds 


Video #4  

Full body (can incorporate dumbbells and resistance bands when videoing)  

As mentioned in earlier videos, you can change up your reps, sets, and rest periods to best suit your personal goals. If you’re new to weight lifting or just looking to gain general strength, exercising 3x/week, at 30-70% of your 1RM, with 4 sets for each exercise for 10-15 reps is recommended.  

If hypertrophy, or muscle growth, is the goal, you can train up to 2-6 days a week, at around 70-80% of your 1RM, 4-6 sets for each exercise with 6-12 reps per set.  

If muscular strength is your goal, working out 2-4 times a week, at 90-100% of 1RM, 5-6 sets with 1-4 reps and high rest between sets is more suitable compared to other types of training.  

Always remember to use correct form when lifting, and before starting a more advanced lifting program, make sure it is safe to do so.  When weight lifting, remember that results and strength gains take time, so be patient and consistent!  

  • Rest 30 seconds between sets; 2-minute rest before next exercise  
  • Squats: 10 x 4  
  • Lunges: 10 x 4  
  • Calf raises: 10 x 4  
  • Shoulder taps: 20 x 4  
  • Push-ups: 7 x 4  
  • Super-mans: 10 x 4  
  • Flutter kicks: 20 x 4  
  • Glute bridge: 10 x 4  
  • Side leg raises: 10/side x 4



Video #1 

You want to accumulate 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each week to promote health. The frequency, intensity, time and type of aerobic training you do are all dependent on one another.  Meaning, if you choose to exercise for shorter bouts of time, it needs to be more intense to get the same benefits as you would from a longer, but less intense session.  Training 3-5 days is ideal as less than 3 it is harder to improve your fitness and more than 5 can lead to injury  

Ideally, you want to exercise between 70-80% of your max heart rate to really see the benefits. As mentioned earlier, the length you spend exercising depends on how intense you work but doing something is better than nothing!! Light exercise accumulated throughout the day is very beneficial for improving health.  

If doing low to moderate intensity exercise, such as walking or slow swimming, 45-60 minutes is recommended and if performing high intensity exercise, 20-30 minutes is sufficient.  

You can do so many things to reach the 150 minutes per week of aerobic exercise; walking, jogging, household chores, dance, virtual fitness classes, swim, and more, find something that you enjoy doing! 

Cardio circuit 1: Level 1: 2 sets, Level 2: 3 sets, Level 3: 4 sets (rep based)  

  • Rest between laps up to 2 minutes, minimal rest between each exercise   
  • 10 jumping jacks  
  • 20 mountain climbers  
  • 10 sprawls  
  • 20 high knees  
  • 10 knee-pull ins  
  • 10 jump squats  
  • 10 leg raises  
  • 10 ice skaters  
  • 10 push ups  


Video #2  

Aerobic training programs can take many forms, but some common methods are HIIT and LISS.  HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training which involves short intervals of high intensity followed by periods of recovery at a lower intensity. HIIT has been shown to increase aerobic capacity, result in greater excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, and fat loss.  LISS stands for low-intensity steady state and involves aerobic activity at a low-to-moderate intensity for a continuous, extended period of time. LISS allows for easier recovery, is appropriate for all levels, is an effective way to train for endurance events and aids in fat loss. Both types of aerobic exercise have strengths and  weaknesses, so whatever you choose to do depends on your preference and lifestyle.  


Cardio circuit 2: Level 1: 2 sets, Level 2: 3 sets, Level 3: 4 sets (time based) 

  • Complete each exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, rest for 2 minutes after each lap  
  • Jumping jacks  
  • Reverse lunge with knee drive  
  • Russian twists  
  • Hands-off burpees  
  • Speed squats  
  • Plank jacks 
  • Inchworm 
  • High knees  
  • Lateral shoot throughs  



Start in bear crawl position with hands underneath shoulders and knees lifted a few inches off the ground  

  • Rotate hips and chest to one side and shoot opposite leg through to that side  
  • Return to the starting position and then rotate to the other side  



Home Workouts

USask Rec and HPC are proud to present an At Home Workout Series.

If you are in self-isolation, working or studying remotely, or practicing physical distancing, this doesn’t mean you have to stop exercising. In fact, this is a great time to move more and keep your body and mind healthy.

Click on any of our at home workouts below.